Wednesday, June 10, 2009

about me

hard core IT lover, geek by election, field tech by fate, I'm proud to be a person with a deep understanding of electronics, networks and technology in general, also mobile tech, and gadgets, robotics, mechatronics, microcontrollers, etc.

born and raised in Argentina, arrived to the USA two years ago, teached myself to read English just because I was eager to read "JRR Tolkien's Lord of the Rings" coz found no spanish copies at that moment, that is, before the movies and before it was cool to love ring stories, I came here with my scientist wife so she can pursue her career, I fix laptops for living in Richmond VA as a side job and I drive all around VA as a Field Service Tech doing service calls for an Elkton based tech company.

my own home based business, supposedly a escalable one, is called

my name? ...Mario

PS: BTW, I was recently called "a texting freak" by my french friend, dear Mathieu, I took that as a compliment, I'm glad you said that, LOL.

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