Wednesday, May 6, 2009

verizon times looking for a decent smartphone

I just can't believe my beloved ISP , (internet provider for the non techpeople) cable provider and cell phone service provider was unable to provide me with a decent working smartphone like or at least with a touchable (this meaning not online) smartphone, after a few calls and a long wait I doscovered the top most expensives phones were not available to purchase in any store because: (as per employees said)
1 "are not the top demanded phones"
2 (kind of similar) "are not mainstream phones today"
3 are quite expensive and nobody ask for these phones.

let me explain, although I assume I might be a little biased towards palm made phones, I will never forget the day I walked in 5 different stores (4 corporate 1 franchise) with 700 hundred dollars in my pocket and was told "no Sir, we are sorry , but the only ones we have are the palm centro and these blackberrys, what? wait a moment, I'm trying to get rid of my blackberry, what, world edition? ok can you tell me the processor speed for that unit? "wait a second (furious googling) no sir, that is a 200 mhz processor (actually it was a 250 some I just forgot now), C'mon Verizon, oyu are a big monster but you can do better, I also called a representative and requested ( dreamer and idealist me) to be called by a representative and told in wich of all the verizon stores in VIRGINIA (no, not Richmond, I was willing to go everywhere in VA) carries that particular phone (a samsung saga or a palm 755 I think) and I was answered in the most cordial tone :we don't do that sir, would you like to order one by phone , we can order it online for you and have it delivered to your door" NO, I just wanna touch and 'feel" the phone, that's all, call me old school, but that's the way I buy, I do a lot of online research about products aqnd actually I buy computer parts online, even laptops, but not a phone. I will try to calm down now, I just got an old treo 700p off eBay and I'm happily living until the new palm pre arrives, but calling customer service again? not for a few weeks, I think.

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