Sunday, May 24, 2009

the whiner

I will make my smartphone history public later, by now, I just felt like sharing my thoughts (not the good ones, if any) about my recently purchased palm treo 700W , yes, W , with windows mobile 5 , (and the polar caps didn't melt , uh?) ok, the point is, I like to be defined as a power user, may be not so heavy user of a smart phones, and repeating myself, I code palm OS software for myself for fun, and I know what these devices are capable of, believe me. now, after using my treo like I was saying,, well, after a few glitches in the sync feature, fixed , I recently discovered that after using the phone as a camcorder to shot a 7 mintes film of my cat (will post it later here) when trying to sync I get the horrible "out of memory" not in my laptop screen but IN MY PHONE!!. it looks like still in this 2009 year, after the terminator and star trek premiere, programmers from the past (they are busy working now coding the 2011 memory leaks) it is still possible to have your smartphone frozen and that little message "please choose which app to close to free some memory" URGGH! KISS (keep it simple, stupid) is a rule they don't follow at least not in a visible manner. anyway, now I'm heading one more time for another platform still in the quest for a nice and decent and reliable phone, don't worry , I know we are talking about a high fidelity chain here, it's not a single point of failure, we can blame the provider, the service , the software, the OS , the neighbored applications in the same device, etc etc. still dreaming of android or some other heavily tested and full featured smarphone for the masses.
talking about problems, next post, ATI radeon problems. call me a whinner if you want, but I'm still an idealist. tech in this world should be something simple and massive, not a flawed business waiting for the current wave to extinghish before launching the next wave of tech to the masses. (did I said masses twice?)

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

verizon times looking for a decent smartphone

I just can't believe my beloved ISP , (internet provider for the non techpeople) cable provider and cell phone service provider was unable to provide me with a decent working smartphone like or at least with a touchable (this meaning not online) smartphone, after a few calls and a long wait I doscovered the top most expensives phones were not available to purchase in any store because: (as per employees said)
1 "are not the top demanded phones"
2 (kind of similar) "are not mainstream phones today"
3 are quite expensive and nobody ask for these phones.

let me explain, although I assume I might be a little biased towards palm made phones, I will never forget the day I walked in 5 different stores (4 corporate 1 franchise) with 700 hundred dollars in my pocket and was told "no Sir, we are sorry , but the only ones we have are the palm centro and these blackberrys, what? wait a moment, I'm trying to get rid of my blackberry, what, world edition? ok can you tell me the processor speed for that unit? "wait a second (furious googling) no sir, that is a 200 mhz processor (actually it was a 250 some I just forgot now), C'mon Verizon, oyu are a big monster but you can do better, I also called a representative and requested ( dreamer and idealist me) to be called by a representative and told in wich of all the verizon stores in VIRGINIA (no, not Richmond, I was willing to go everywhere in VA) carries that particular phone (a samsung saga or a palm 755 I think) and I was answered in the most cordial tone :we don't do that sir, would you like to order one by phone , we can order it online for you and have it delivered to your door" NO, I just wanna touch and 'feel" the phone, that's all, call me old school, but that's the way I buy, I do a lot of online research about products aqnd actually I buy computer parts online, even laptops, but not a phone. I will try to calm down now, I just got an old treo 700p off eBay and I'm happily living until the new palm pre arrives, but calling customer service again? not for a few weeks, I think.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

another test blog.

sorry I need to check my new "social" browser for compatibility. thanks for the patience.