Friday, August 21, 2009

Man on Fire, my personal version

this is not a tech post, although I can think about a few more efficient devices but probably not so reliable to prevent this.

the technology used in these department ovens is probably more than 10 years old, I wonder what they are putting together in modern ovens as a security devices.

I was trying to reheat some food at home after a nice work day before PPW being sent and OMG! it refused to fire up and somehow the security feature just failed or something happened, the entire atmosphere around me just fired up and in just a fraction of second I was burnt in my forehead and my arms, (I remember thinking "there went my eyebrows" but no, the thing is I ended with both arms and part of the upper side of my hands burned, unable to reassemble a pending laptop, at least for the rest of the day, fortunatelly, a little help of burn jel (CVS no prescription required) moral of the story, do not insist if your oven refuses to start, and wait a little between intents!!!

here is the complete picture series, unfortunately, I forgot to take a picture of the skin after washing , believe me , it was real reddish.

and check how the instantaneous heat melted my corn oil and the washer detergent:

wich GPS to buy?

I was questioned by a friend today about GPS devices and I will post my answer here, of course this is my personal opinion and I'm not paid by any company to say this, this is based in my personal experience only. although I can talk a lot about this thechnology (material for another post) and I have been using GPSs since I bought an add on for my palm sprint in 2006, I handled like 4 systems so far, and broke and dissasembled three of them. also I fixe one on the route because I was lost and I'm navigational challenged (really)
ok let;s go with the answer:

that one, tomtom ONE is the one to go, affordable and pretty intuitive. we have that and a Garmin , the Garmin has more precision (by half a mile or less) and sometimes it finds some addresses (the street numbers, mostly) the tomtom can't but it's a pain to use due to the poorly designed interfase and menu. there was one for 56 dollars at but I think it was a refurbished one :) . I'd recommend you if possible to get the extended warranty (2 years or so) if not so expensive, my second tomtom fell so many times from the windshield that it started to malfunction after 6 months of crashes, now I still use it but I had to take the battery out (
please do not hesitate to ask any more questions about that. I would gladly help you to choose one.

BTW, I wouldn't go for the expensive ones with voice command or so, because I find that feature useless due to my strong accent LOL, and hwo needs streets names? I just need left of right directions, I can see the street names by myself.

of course, due to human nature, there is a lot of folks out there really loving their GPSes and hating probably my choices here, but that, again , is material for another post, (natural affection by human beings and attachment to gadgets due to continued use of tech gizmos)