Friday, December 30, 2011

how richmond geeks deceive google and everyone else instead on focusing in just fair business practices

I'm not a guy whom usually would pick a fight per se, and I'm not the guy who acts on impulse, but today I was pissed off at seeing a few reviews on my site from a web search on google.
Then after a careful and closer inspection, I found these guys put some three persons (probably employees) to work on some treacherous black hat SEO tricks and as google lets me see the reviews those users posted on the web, I see they gave my business and everyone else in Richmond fixing computers a review between one and two stars, and a fake one with 5 (FIVE) stars for them.
This is a cheap trick I still wonder how google didn't catch up, I'm sure they can tune their algorithm to counter that practice, but so far, since May 2011 until today Dec 30 2011 THATS 6 MONTHS!! it worked, and you know what? the only good review I have on my site is a real one, and after that one I put my business on pause, and it is still in pause, due to a new approach, now we will do remote laptop repair and have the best price on the market for laptop repair all around Richmond and probably with a expansion mouth to mouth to all states, but so far, we are still not performing ANY service, and these guys still managed to provide a false bad review (we strive for 5 stars service or no fee is charged and we have a money back warranty and 100 day warranty on the service performed) for us.

and if you want to contact me, I'm the owner of , A+ certified technician, and my email is, my twitter: @richmondlaptop

good luck and have a good year.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

excerpt from tymnet's wikipedia page

In January 1999, both XKL servers (ticket and token) were decommissioned. In late 2003 the hardware left onsite in San Jose was accidentally scrapped by the facilities manager during a scheduled cleanup.

ouch! big bad mistake, there should be a program like national monuments funded by the state to protect pieces of history of the computing age like this one which faded into oblivion due to not enough people knowing about the shceduled decommission or planned out phasing.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

from one of my favorite blogs, techrepublic

Ruby (which is one of my favorite languages because it is so expressive) can very easily be monkey patched into an indecipherable nightmare, while I’ve seen PHP (a language that encourages badly organized code to the point that I’ve often said it must stand for Page Hacked to Pasta) that was so clear and well-organized it would make you weep tears of joy.

The theory is not as important as the way you put it into practice.

this is part of an article, I didn't write it, but it is SO great that I took the freedom to reproduce it here, the full article is probably at